Saturday, April 16, 2016

Wellness Definition And Examples

Definition of Wellness .Wellness is the favorable state of health of person and groups. There are two focal concerns, the collection of the fulfilled likely of an individual physically, psychologically, spiritually, socially, and economically, and the fruition of one's role expectations in the family, community, space of worship, workplace and other settings.The World Health Organization.Wellness is more than being free from sickness, it is a dynamic method of change and growth.Maintaining an favorable level of wellness is completely crucial to live a higher multiplication life. The notion of active aging can be summed up in the phrase “engaged in life.” Active aging statement person who live life as fully as possible within the seven dimensions of wellness ( intellectual,emotional,physical, spiritual, environmental, vocational, social).Nevertheless of socioeconomic condition or health conditions, older person can live useful, active and productive lives.A whole-person wellness model that mobilized six essential dimensions of wellness.This model was improved by Jan Montague, MGS, who improved the principles of whole-person wellness for usage in older-adult settings.

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